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Obituary Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huber

We mourn for our long-time colleague and friend Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huber.

Prof. Dr. Huber was an extraordinary personality and an outstanding doctor and researcher. During years of cooperation he was significantly involved in the development of the ADVOS therapy. Without him our therapy would not exist in this form today.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Kreymann, nephrologist and CEO of ADVITOS, says: “Throughout the past decades Prof. Dr. Huber was a reference in critical care medicine and clinical development. He was a true expert in extracorporeal organ support. During his career, he has followed innovation and excellence in the treatment of his patients and was a great teacher for his students, his staff and partners.

In fact, he was one of the pioneers in the clinical ADVOS therapy application. He contributed a lot in the development of the ADVOS therapy as a sound believer in its therapy concept and potential benefit for critically ill patients. The ADVITOS family loses a great partner, but above all, we lose a friend. Thank you, Wolfgang! Rest in Peace.“

Our deepest sympathy goes out to his loved ones.

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