Here you can videos about ADVITOS and national and international ADVOS industry symposiums.
Next Level Blood Purification - ADVOS BK300 Product Video

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Product Launch: Next Level Blood Purification - ADVOS BK300

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ADVITOS Patient Stories

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ADVITOS Company Overview
ADVITOS GmbH: Our Story

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ADVITOS offers a solution to multi-organ failure in intensive care

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Meet ADVITOS - SIT 2021, Lisbon (Final Pitch)

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The story of ADVITOS

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ADVITOS GmbH – EIT Health Catapult 2019 finalist
ADVITOS Industry Symposia

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Video only in German language available.
ADVITOS Symposium – DIVI 2024
Advanced Approaches in the Treatment of Multi-Organ Failure
- Prof. Dr. Michael Joannidis & Prof. Dr. Michael Quintel:
Chairmen of the Symposium - Prof. Dr. Michael Quintel
Advanced Approaches in the Treatment of Multi-Organ Failure - Dr. Bernd Panholzer:
Advanced Organ Support for Adjunctive Shock Therapy: Experience in Cardiosurgical Patients

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ADVITOS Symposium – ESICM 2022
Acidosis in the critically ill patient – impact and treatment
- Prof. Dr. med. Michael Quintel, Deggendorf:
Chairman of the symposium - Prof. Dr. med. Luciano Gattinoni, Göttingen:
Acidosis and its impact for the critical ill patient on ICU - Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Olaf Boenisch, Hamburg:
Acidosis – possible treatment strategies

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Video only in German language available.
ADVITOS Symposium – DIVI 2022
Multiorgansupport mit ADVOS multi, Sicherheit in der Antibiotikatherapie – Indikationen bei ECLS/ECMO
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Kluge, Hamburg:
Vorsitzender des Symposiums - Dr. Bernd Panholzer, Kiel:
Multiorgansupport bei Patienten mit ECLS/ECMO - Dr. Otto Frey, Heidenheim:
Antibiotika- Management bei Sepsis und Einblick während der Multiorganunterstützung

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Video only in German language available.
ADVITOS Symposium - Bremen Online Special 2022
Integrated 4-in-1 multi-organ support: New therapeutic approaches in multi-organ failure with ADVOS therapy.
- Dr Evangelos Karasimos, Aachen:
Clinical results and therapy protocols in a medical intensive care unit with 75 beds in Germany - Prof. Dr. Valentin Fuhrmann, Duisburg:
ADVOS therapy: Current medical findings and indications

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ADVITOS Symposium - ESICM 2021
Fluid based ECCO2R and direct acid removal with the 4-in-1 ADVOS therapy for multi-organ support
- PD Dr. med. Olaf Boenisch, Hamburg:
Acid-base disbalance and multi-organ dysfunction in the critically ill patient - Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Schmidt, Hanover:
Therapy objectives and results with the ADVOS 4-in-1 organ support providing CO2 and acid removal

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ADVITOS Symposium - ISICEM 2021
Integrated 4-in-1 multi-organ support – new therapeutic approaches to multi-organ failure with the ADVOS therapy
- Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Gernot Marx, Aachen:
Chair man of the symposium - Dr. med. Evangelos Karasimos, Aachen:
Clinical results and therapy protocol in a 75 bed medical ICU in Germany - Prof. Dr. med. Valentin Fuhrmann, Duisburg:
ADVOS therapy: Current medical evidence and indications

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ADVITOS Symposium – Bremer Talk 2021
New therapeutic aspects for rapid correction of acidosis and blood pH in patients with multiorgan dysfunction.
- PD Tobias Lahmer, MD, Munich:
Therapeutic possibilities of the ADVOS therapy in patients with multiorgandysfunction by extracorporeal CO2 removal. - Prof. Dr. med. Valentin Fuhrmann, Duisburg:
Current clinical evidence and indication of the ADVOS therapy.

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ADVITOS Symposium 2021
New therapeutic aspects for the rapid correction of acidosis and blood pH in patients with multiorgandysfunction.
- PD Dr. med. Olaf Boenisch, Hamburg:
Relationships between organ dysfunction, blood pH and acid-base balance. - Dr. med. Evangelos Karasimos, Aachen:
New therapeutic possibilities through ADVOS therapy

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ADVITOS Symposium – DIVI 2020
New therapeutic aspects for quick correction of acidosis and blood pH in patients with multiorgandysfunction.
- Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Schmidt, Hanover:Therapeutic possibilities of ADVOS therapy in patients with multiorgandysfunction by extracorporeal CO2 removal.
- Prof. Dr. med. Valentin Fuhrmann, Duisburg:Current clinical evidence and indication of ADVOS therapy.