Next Level Blood Purification:
Find out more about the new ADVOS BK300.

Mourning for company founder Bernhard Kreymann

The most beautiful memorial a person can be awarded lies in the hearts of those around him. (Albert Schweitzer)

We mourn the loss of our founder Assoc Prof Dr med Bernhard Kreymann, who was taken from life far too early at the age of 64 on

July 12, 2022.

Assoc Prof Dr med Bernhard Kreymann
Assoc Prof Dr med Bernhard Kreymann

Bernhard leaves behind an irreplaceable gap, not just as a physician, exceptional scientist, father of the award-winning ADVOS therapy for multi-organ support, but also as the caring head and soul of the company. With tireless commitment and a strong sense of responsibility, Bernhard built up the company and led it through all its ups and downs with tremendous foresight and great humanity. We miss him very much.

We are very proud to have been a part of his life’s work, and continue to press forward with full commitment to bring his life-saving ADVOS therapy to the world, thereby progressing and upholding his work in his memory.

Our sincerest condolences go out to his family and loved ones.

Catherine Schreiber, Co-Founder & close companion with the Management, Advisory Board, and staff of ADVITOS GmbH (formerly Hepa Wash GmbH)


The funeral service shall take place amongst his closest family and social circle.

In lieu of flowers and wreaths, the family asks for donations for Doctors without Borders / “Ärzte ohne Grenzen e. V.”.

IBAN: DE72 3702 0500 0009 7097 00
Intended purpose: Fuer das Leben. Bernhard Kreymann
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

Here are some memories of our company founder and inventor of the ADVOS procedure:

Teamfoto während der 2. Tierstudie 2009

Team photo during the 2nd animal study 2009

C. Schreiber & B. Kreymann während der 1. klinischen Studie im Klinikum rechts der Isar 2010

C. Schreiber & B. Kreymann during the 1st clinical trial at Klinikum rechts der Isar 2010

B. Kreymann beim Zukunftsrat der bayerischen Wirtschaft 2017

B. Kreymann at the Zukunftsrat der bayerischen Wirtschaft 2017 (Future Council of the Bavarian Economy)

Digitale Preisverleihung des Innovationspreis Bayern 2020

Digital award ceremony of the Bavarian Innovation Award 2020

Videodreh für SAT1 Bayern 2020

Video shooting for SAT1 Bavaria 2020

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